Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lemon tea break

For me , I need to have my coffee early in the morning , but afterwords
all I will have is tea . I usually drink my tea with no cream or sugar but
last time I did my grocery they gave me free lemons.I rarely cook with
lemons but it was free so I put a bit of lemon in my tea and it was quite
good .

still life trio

When I get the winter blues , I tend to be depressed and thats when I
put my energy in creating small still lives .I like the term ¨still life ¨.
Contrary to the word ¨nature morte ¨in french , which means dead life,
in english , life is still , there for us to see . I gathered what was left in
the fridge . I will be posting a few of these still lives I did earlier .

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I thought of sharings these pics,
seeing that spring is in the air .